Our Ministry

Our mission is to see people around the world trust Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior and to see them grow in grace under the ministry of a local, New Testament church.  We cannot save people but our great God can; whether He uses us to plant or water, it is He who gives the increase. (1 Cor. 3:6&7)  We want to lead people into a growing relationship with Jesus Christ and to be used of God to help strengthen their walk with the Lord and knowledge of the Holy Scriptures. 

With the above being stated, we started these endeavors in Arequipa, Peru and then in the city of Cusco, Peru.   In Cusco, we worked with children for about a year and then started working with adolescents that came to our kids club.  We started breaking the youth up into a separate meeting once a month which soon led to weekly meetings with them.  While working with these children and youth we continued to reach out to their parents and to establish other relationships in different parts of the city.  The Lord led us to various people who wanted to  know God’s Word in a deeper way and with whom we could hold Bible studies. In 2008 we rented a room in which to hold our kids club, youth group, and Bible studies.  We incorporated the name Berea with our Bible study and kids club. We stayed in this one room place for several months and then moved to a bigger location where we began to hold Sunday services and various other ministries throughout the week until our first furlough at the end of 2010.

In 2011 we took a furlough to the U.S.  When we returned in 2012 we started looking for a place to start a church-plant.  The Lord opened up the door for us to rent a location right on the main road. In April of 2012 we held our first services for the Faith Baptist Church (Iglesia Bautista Fe).  This work has now been turned over to a national pastor.

In 2023 we transitioned back to the U.S. and are seeking to work among Hispanics through church planting efforts in the U.S.